Infomed is specialized in blood purification

Coming from intensive care we have exported our knowledge for Home Dialysis

We offer solutions for home & hospital environments

Maximize therapeutic effectivness
blood purification
Blood purification is mainly done by dialysis, filtration or adsorption; it allows treating different kinds of pathologies such as renal failure, immune disorders, blood viscosity or inflammatory situations.
We focus on you!
Extracorporeal blood purification can be performed in different ways defining the treatment which shall allow restoring the balance of the targeted substances within the patient’s body.
Blood viscosity
Blood viscosity can be increased by a high level of fibrinogen, of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) or of Lipoprotein(a) also called Lp(a).Double filtration plasmapheresis or adsorption technics will remove the excess of molecules to reduce the blood viscosity which eases the blood stream and reduces the efforts made by the heart.
Immune disorders
Immune disorders leads to different types of pathologies such as Myastena Gravis, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) as just two examples of more than a hundred of diseases.
Immunoglobulins (Ig) and leucocytes are in most cases responsible of immune disorders ; Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE)or Double Filtration Plasmapheresis (DFPP),,allow to remove many of these molecules offering the human body the possibility to recover control.
Kidney failure
Kidney injuries can be chronic or acute, we offer solutions for both.
Hemodialysis is the most common treatment for chronic kidney failure and can be performed at home thanks to the DIMIdevice. In case of acute kidney failure, hemofiltration is often performed in intensive care units with the HF440 machine.
Infomed company

Infomed is a Swiss company based in Geneva dedicated to the development and manufacturing of blood purification devices since 1997. Our products are applicable to nephrology, intensive care, hematology and cardiology.
Infomed has been, for more than 20 years, focusing on all aspects of blood and plasma purification including dialysis, filtration, adsorption and combinations of these for example with Double Filtration which is a 2 steps process. We are at the forefront of innovation with a large number of patents and we use our expertise to serve others.
In a few words, we work for human well-being thanks to a large range of treatments available on our devices which include the “all in one” philosophy : one device for all necessary treatments, to spare training costs, materials and reduce possible user's errors.
Hot topics

ERA 2025
Join us to the 62th European Renal Association (ERA) Congress in Vienna, Austria. ERA is based on 3 pillars: Education, Science and Networking. As Infomed, we support the association for around 20 years and we clearly appreciate to be a key partner to the association to develop excellence and quality of the scientific knowledge.

We offer several training sessions during the year, dedicated to all our partner. Book your place and become the reference of blood purification. The program is prepared to be accessible for everyone. Be carefull, place are limites, register early !

Come a share with us the Kidney Week organized by the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), in November in Houston, Texas. This key event is focus on education, training and knowledge sharing, through a large number of publications. Once again, we are pleased to support and take part by supporting the exchange of the international know-how in the field.

Idembox for all our product
Provide on-time the right information to the right person ! Idembox is the Infomed online system created for our partners and available with all latest versions of Infomed’s devices. It provides on-demand services and according the users needs.

A constant improvement
We work every day to make your life easier. Our teams are at your service to meet your needs. Infomed products are your work tools which should make your life as simple as possible and encourage the application of therapies the most suited to the patients benefit .